Free Water Bottle

Free Liquid Chalk

Free Open Gym Passes

Free Water Bottle Free Liquid Chalk Free Open Gym Passes

Membership Lock-In Options

Lock in your membership for 4 or 8 months and receive a FREE Ninja training pack!

4-month lock-in training pack

  • 10 Open Gym passes to use for yourself or share with family and friends

  • A Fitset Ninja water bottle

  • A 100ml bottle of Fitset Ninja liquid chalk

  • $230 value

8-month lock-in training pack

  • 20 Open Gym passes to use for yourself or share with family and friends

  • A Fitset Ninja water bottle

  • A 250ml bottle of Fitset Ninja liquid chalk

  • $440 value

How membership lock-in works

The full amount of the 4 or 8 month membership will be charged on August 30th to the payment details we have on file for you, based on the number of classes the athlete is currently enrolled in. This pre-purchased credit will be applied to your account and will be deducted each month for the 4 or 8 month period (on the 1st as usual). If the number of registered classes change during the 4 or 8 months, that’s no problem! The credit will simply be applied to whatever the total cost of your classes are for that month.

This offer is only available until August 29th.

To start the Fall season the Ninja way, you will receive your Ninja training pack during the first week of classes in September.

Lock-in pricing (exclusive of gst)

1 class per week

  • 4 months - $440 ($396 with multi-athlete discount)

  • 8 months - $880 ($792 with multi-athlete discount)

2 classes per week

  • 4 months - $700 ($630 with multi-athlete discount)

  • 8 months - $1,400 ($1,260 with multi-athlete discount)

3 classes per week

  • 4 months - $880 ($792 with multi-athlete discount)

  • 8 months - $1,760 ($1,584 with multi-athlete discount)

Ultimate Ninja Membership

  • 4 months - $1,060 ($954 with multi-athlete discount)

  • 8 months - $2,120 ($1,908 with multi-athlete discount)

Confirm your lock-in option and receive your FREE Ninja training pack!

Please fill out the form below for each athlete. The full amount of the 4 or 8 month membership will be charged on August 30th to the payment details we have on file for you, based on the number of classes the athlete is currently enrolled in. If the number of classes you’re in changes during the 4 or 8 months, that’s no problem! The credit will simply be applied to whatever the total cost of your classes are for that month.

If you need to update the payment details we have on file, please do so by August 29th using the payment details update page.

Your Name
Athlete Info
Athlete Name
I accept that I will be charged the full amount of the chosen lock-in period for the athlete named above on August 30th, to the payment information I have on file.